Anti Doping Policy

Mini golf Federation of India Statement of Anti-doping Policy
Mini golf Federation of India has on 1 January 2021 signed the Collective Policy thereby agreeing to at all times:

Recognise and accept the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) as the National Anti-Doping Organisation designated by the Indian Government as having the responsibility for all doping matters relating to sport in India.
Accept the NADA Anti-Doping Policy and Anti-Doping Rules, both of which are established in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code, as the basis for the fight against doping in sport;
Adopt the NADA Anti-Doping Rules either directly or by reference into our governing documents, constitution and/or rules and regulations, and which shall have binding force and effect on our members and Participants; and
Agree to observe, abide by and implement the provisions of the NADA Anti-Doping Policy and Anti-Doping Rules in respect of our affairs and activities.
Mini golf Federation of India condemns the use of doping in sport. It recognises the right of all its Athletes to participate in a sport that is free from the misuse of drugs. Mini golf Federation of India is committed to educate, inform and test, as appropriate, participants competing in Mini Golf in India, and representing India, so that it remains a drug-free sport.

It is a requirement of participation in the sport that all its Athletes, Athlete support personnel and other persons under the jurisdiction of Mini golf Federation of India comply with the NADA Anti-Doping Policy and Anti-Doping Rules set out and published by Mini golf Federation of India and NADA.

In testing its Athletes, Mini golf Federation of India is committed to handling the management of results in a confidential and accountable manner and to carry out disciplinary procedures where appropriate by the fair and independent process it has agreed with its members and with NADA, it’s appointed National Anti-Doping Agency, for the collection of doping control samples. The disciplinary procedure for a contravention of these rules is published in full in the NADA Anti-Doping Rules.

The Executive Committee / Management Committee of Mini golf Federation of India has on 1 January 2021 adopted the NADA Anti-Doping Policy as the Mini golf Federation of India’s Anti-Doping Policy.
The NADA Anti-Doping Policy published, as amended from time to time, shall take immediate effect and be construed as rules of the Mini golf Federation of India .

All affiliates, members, athletes, participants, staff and any other individual, paid or on a volunteer basis, who are under the jurisdiction of the Mini golf Federation of India are bound by the Anti-Doping Rules of the Mini golf Federation of India and agree to abide by these Anti-Doping Rules.